Landing Page Vs Website. The Difference.

When we were tasked with boosting ticket sales and vendor sign-ups for the Building Black Business Brands Products and Technology (BBBPT) Expo, we knew we needed a focused approach.

One of the first challenges we faced was deciding how to best structure our online presence. Should we go with a full-blown website? Or should we focus our efforts on a streamlined landing page dedicated to the event? After some discussion, we opted for a landing page—targeted, simple, and built solely to convert.

Why a landing page, you ask? Well, let me walk you through it.

Why a Landing Page?

Imagine this: You’ve got a sprawling website with multiple tabs and endless possibilities for exploration. It’s great for showing off everything your business does, from your company history to blog posts to every service you offer. But here’s the thing: people can get lost. They wander off to read your latest post, check out your team, or even leave your site altogether before they do the one thing you want—sign up or make a purchase.

We didn’t want that for the BBBPT Expo. We needed people to take one clear action: secure their spot at the expo. That’s why we built a landing page, a focused space with a single purpose. When visitors clicked on our ads or received our emails, they landed on a page designed exclusively for ticket sales and vendor registrations.

How the Landing Page Worked for the Expo

The moment we decided on the landing page approach, our strategy became clear. First, we tailored the page to speak directly to the expo’s audience—entrepreneurs, local business owners, and community members who wanted to support Black-owned businesses.

We designed it with eye-catching visuals and concise, compelling copy, highlighting key details about the expo like the speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities. But more importantly, there was only one goal on this page: to sell tickets and vendor spaces. No distractions, no extra fluff.

We added a prominent call-to-action button—”Reserve Your Spot”—in multiple places on the page. Each section of content was designed to guide visitors toward making a decision, whether they were thinking of attending, speaking, or vending.


Results that Spoke for Themselves

Once the landing page went live, we linked it to every marketing effort we had—Facebook ads, Instagram posts, email campaigns, you name it. Each link led to the same destination: that carefully crafted landing page with one goal in mind.

And it worked.

The landing page simplified the decision-making process for potential attendees. Instead of sifting through unrelated content or getting distracted by other website features, visitors could immediately focus on what mattered—the expo itself.

Within the first two weeks, we saw a significant spike in ticket sales. Vendors began signing up, too, attracted by the simplicity of the page and the clear value the expo provided. The page also allowed us to track conversions accurately, showing exactly which marketing efforts were driving the most traffic and sales.


What We Learned

The key takeaway from our experience with the BBBPT Expo? Sometimes, less is more. While websites are essential for businesses to establish a robust online presence, landing pages are perfect for driving focused actions. By eliminating distractions and streamlining the message, we were able to turn curious visitors into paying attendees and vendors.

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